What is GFGS?

We are a fan club of Christian Geeks who follow the motto “God’s First, Geek Second”. Founder Jake “That Christian Geek“ Aria has attended dozens of Comic, Cosplay, Anime and Sci-fi Conventions. His first was Star Wars Celebration when he was 13 years old.

Over the years he started to notice protestors at many of these convention, from local church groups. It broke his heart that people, who claimed to love Christ as he did, would yell at strangers through a megaphone, and make them feel bad for attending conventions.

So, one day, he decided to start his own club. One created to share Christ at cons in a loving way. As well as, encourage the Christians attending these conventions. He wants to let Christians know its ok to be Geeks.

The plan is to grow as a club, sell merch at cons, and create Christian Geeky Content. We also want to work with artist to create high quality comics that present a loving, compassionate gospel message, to be handed out as free giveaway at events.